Tata Motors |
Mumbai: Employees of Tata Motors and Tata Motors Finance got together and volunteered their time for an interactive session on 'Personal Hygiene, Cleanliness and Sanitation’ for Street-Children at NGO AASARA at Prafulla Nakhwa Chawl, Chendani Koliwada, Thane (East) on 16th March 2015. |
Tata AIG |
Mumbai: Meet MAD….a group of enthusiastic youngsters Making A Difference. Their philosophy in life taken from the legendary Bob Marley which says, "Live for yourself and you live in vain; Live for others and you will live again." The MAD Team from Mumbai Infinity Office went to St. Anthony’s Old Age Home, Bandra West on 15th of March. They went to entertain, but came back entertained, richer and happier.
Played Housie and distributed prizes to the winners
Played Music & danced with inmates
Distributed fruits & Juices
Arranged for a sumptuous lunch
A one on one discussion with many of them which they like the most.
The volunteers said that "this was the most beautiful and encouraging experience for us to do our bit to get smiles on the wrinkled but bright faces. At first we were quite skeptical as expectations from ourselves were very high to give it our best however the smiles and the peace on the ladies faces eased the pressure. In no time we were dancing and singing joyfully with the energetic group. They not only made us comfortable but also encouraged us with their blessings and kind words. As a team we in unison felt compassion for these young spirits and given the opportunity would love to do it again and again….By participating in the small effort we have learnt that happiness is not to look out for but by giving it ten folds , the satisfaction we derived was worth it."
Chennai: On 13th March 2015, Tata AIG's Team of 9 Volunteers led by the ZH Atul Bhardwaj from Chennai went to Corporation School in Chennai. There were 107 girl children divided in groups of five. Each group was divided basis their area of interest like Drawing & Painting, Mathematics, Singing & Dancing, Reading , Letter Identification, etc. Our team conducted various games for them like passing the ball, tail the elephant, word building, etc. After spending 3 hours of valuable time with them, they distributed sweets and pencil pouch along with other gifts.
Pune: A smile costs nothing, but gives much…It takes but a moment, but the memory of it usually lasts forever.On 17th of March our team from KP Branch, Pune visited “SANMATI BAL NIKETAN” orphanage.The team meet the people managing the orphanage and took a walk around property. They then spent time with the kids. Initially the kids were little reserved but after some time they started interacting and approaching more confidently. Our people got to know a lot about them as they showed their books, homework and copies, handwriting….and kids were very happy and smiling. Our team distributed fruits, biscuits, books/copies and all the essentials provided.“It was one of the most beautiful experience for us”, is what the volunteers said
Kolkata:Kolkata branch organized Health and hygiene sessions at two different places on 18th March with the help of MAD. (Make A Difference)
Calcutta Muslim Orphanage for Boys (CMO-B)
Calcutta Muslim Orphanage for Girls (CMO-G)
Our employees formed two groups and organized these sessions at the respective centres. We showed videos pertaining to health and hygiene, which was followed with group activity involving the kids and later we had FAQ’s related to Health and hygiene. We also handed over dustbins, liquid hand wash bottles and refills to the centre and hand sanitizers to the children. It was indeed a pleasure to be a part of this noble activity and we were amazed at the creativity displayed by the children on chart papers while doing the health and hygiene activity , which has been displayed in Kolkata branch.
Voltas |
Lucknow: Voltas Lucknow team went to Mother Teresa House for mentally challenged and spent quality time with the individuals there to ensure that they feel special. The team also contributed two ceiling fans for their use.
Delhi: 9 employees from Voltas Delhi team went to Mother Teresa House for Challenged children and spent quality time with the children there to ensure that they feel special. The team also contributed snacks and stationary for their use.
Thane: Volunteers from Voltas Thane visited Vivekanand Balakashram. Each Volta site (participant) made a friend to know the back ground of the child and further needs for their education, stay etc. The children are pretty bold and have dreams of becoming pilots, engineers, farmer and policemen. During the interaction, we learnt that the inmates enjoy playing football, cricket and dancing. The team also participated in playing cricket with the children. We surveyed their dormitory, bed linen, prayer hall, kitchen etc.and understood the needs for continued rehabilitation of the centre. We shared an evening snacks with them and volunteers donated bed sheets, pillow covers, plates and saucers.
Pune: In continuation of their Community services initiative, Pune Voltas team visited "Shri Sai Seva", mentally challenged children's School, on 14th March 2015. The volunteers contributed by donating old books, clothes, grains, toys, etc. The Principal of the school introduced the team to the children & explained the team about their daily activities. All volunteers interacted with the children and had a heart-warming experience.
Bangalore: Volunteers from Voltas Bangalore visited Rag-pickers Education & Development Scheme (REDS), Balwadi at Vivek Nagar, Bangalore on 17th March 2015 and spent quality time with children/wards of Rag-pickers/slum developers.Voltas volunteers also presented the children assorted stationery and educational accessories like white board, charts, pencils, erasers, slates, chalks for slates etc.After the visit most of the volunteers remarked that it was a very satisfying interaction with the little children and also with the REDS team |
Tata Technologies |
Pune: 114 underprivileged girls of Walhekarwadi Girls Schools took thrilling experience of science knowledge with real experiments at PCMC Science park. 3D show, Tara Mandal visit and park fun with funny scientific games was memorable part of their lives this day. Girls were enlightened by the knowledge they got from this visit.Tata Motors Finance Ltd Pimpri& TCS volunteers also participated in this drive with Tata Technologies. |
New York: TCS associates volunteered at the 2015 New York City Half Marathon in New York on Sunday, March 15
Schaumburg, Illinois: A group of 7 TCS-Nielsen associates volunteered their time in Schaumburg, IL this past weekend and helped Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) impact the lives of starving children half way across the world in North Korea. The group arrived and were greeted by FMSC's friendly staff where they learn about the mission of the organization which is to feed children's hunger in body and spirit. The group then learned what constitutes a healthy meal to those children. After hours of work, the volunteers hand-packed 150+ meals specially formulated for malnourished children. Those packages will be sent to FMSC's partners in North Korea where they're used to operate orphanages, schools, clinics and feeding programs to break the cycle of poverty. |
Tata Teleservices |
Kerala: TTL's Kerala team conducted skill development session for women entrepreneur on selling skills on 16th March with Rajagiri Foundation. At around 30 + women entrepreneurs engaged in manufacturing products like toiletry, pickles, flour products etc. were present
Noida: TTL volunteers conducted an advanced excel training session at NIIT Foundation centre in Hoshiyarpur, Noida on March 14. The 2 hour session benefitted 25 participants.
Delhi: TTL volunteers from Delhi conducted a session on Interview skills & Personality Development at NF Delhi. The youth were really inspired and truly appreciated the session
Meerut: Vaani School is a school for hearing & speech impaired in Meerut & TTL have been associated with it for last couple of years.During the TVW III, TTL volunteers visited Vaani School and conducted a Painting Activity. The kids were seen very enthusiastic to participate and show their drawing skills.Volunteers spent around 2.5 hours at the school and at the end all kids were given refreshments which they enjoyed very much. |
Indian Hotels |
Varkala: The Gateway Hotel Varkala conducted a "Cleanliness Drive" on 14th March on the occasion of "Tata Volunteering Week-3". The whole group was divided into two, covering the premises near the hotel & the public road outside the hotel. The initiative continued for couple of hours. Cleaning the public area was followed by serving refreshment drinks for the volunteers. |
Tata Chemicals |
Mumbai: Nine volunteers from TCL and two from TCS participated in the sapling making at Bombay Municipal Corporation Garden at Murar road, Mulund West. For this, TCL tied up with Hariyali, a NGO engaged in large scale afforestation activity. The volunteers were first taken for the round of the Nursery where they saw vermicomposting and various medicinal plants. Around 235 saplings were made in span of three hours by 11 volunteers.The volunteer's experienced a great sense of satisfaction and enjoyed making sapling. |
Tata Metaliks |
Under the cleaning Drive initiative at Tata Metaliks and in Tata Metaliks DI pipes limited on 17.03.15, volunteers undertook cleaning in MBF-02 of Tata Metaliks and in Melting and Annealing area of Tata Metaliks DI Pipes limited with full enthusiasm.
Under the tree plantation drive by the employees of Tata MetaliksLimited, tree plantation was organised in Keduapara Primary School on 16th March, wherein the employees, students of school and teaching staff too activelyparticipated and planted saplings. The volunteers also explained to the students the benefits of trees to humans. |
Tata Housing |
Tata Housing volunteers visited Aruwe– Aynavaram, Chennai on 14th March and had an interaction with old woman and kids and had lunch with them. The volunteers conducted a few games for the kids like dance performance, singing, drawing, skit competitions etc. Children were so happy and had lot of fun. God bless all the little children in the world. |
Tata Power |
TATA Power organized a get together for young girls who are pursuing the nursing course with support from Tata Power at Male (Mulshi). 25 volunteers from Hydro Power Station, Bhira participated in the function and interacted with the girls. 64 girls have successfully completed the nursing course and 100 % are employed in different private and public nursing hospitals. At present, 30 girls from poor and marginalized families are taking benefit of this course. |
Tata Communications |
As a build up to a volunteering event on 21st, Tata Communications team organized a quiz, flash mob and a jute bags stall for employees of Chennai ODC. It was an absolutely mind blowing quiz show which was hosted by one of the volunteers. A flash mob of 12 volunteers performed as the spectators (employees) were caught by surprise as the dancers suddenly raised from among the group and regaled everyone in the floor with their astonishing performance.Jute bags stall was organised to encourage and make employees aware of eco-friendly options and also avoid plastics either at work place or home. |
Titan |
Titan volunteers visited the Government school in Denkanikottai (ThennDinnur) and organized a Tree plantation, conducted cultural activities and donated school bags & shoes for use by small children. |
Rallis |
26 volunteers including contract workers from Rallis India, Lote Unit took an initiative of 'Cleaning - Keeping the surroundings clean' at MIDC Lote Industrial Belt on 14th March, 2015. They cleaned roadsides of Lote Industrial belt and collected 8 bags of waste from the road side and kept the area neat and clean. Their effort was well appreciated by Industries Association and local public. All the participants really enjoyed the cleaning activity in a group and were very happy to participate in the Tata Volunteering Week -3. |
*This daily update covers only some of the activities undertaken by companies. |