Company Stories
Tata in Africa
Tata companies in Africa are constantly doing their bit to improve the quality of life of local communities around their area of operations
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Volunteers from Tata Consultancy Services South Africa spent time with schoolchildren of Diepsloot to mentor and coach them to create a web page. TCSers helped 45 schoolchildren learn how to create a web page in four hours. The best three students were rewarded.

Tata Chemicals South Africa employees visited Ithemba Lethu Children's Home and spent time with the children. Here, children from all walks of life are taken into this beautiful home and given a chance.
Tata volunteers in Kenya donated blood, spent time with children at orphanages and provided food and other basic necessities to the people. Twenty three employees visited Kenyatta Hospital Children's ward and spent time with children in various wards including the cancer ward.
Seventeen volunteers interacted with children of St Bernard's Home, Langata, and provided food to the children.
Fourteen employees donated food and toys to the special children of Mother Teresa Home, Thika.
Eighteen volunteers visited Dream Home in Rongai, and cooked food for the children and arranged various activities for them.
Tata Africa Holdings in Senegal helped in the construction of a mosque. A total of 14 employees assisted and brought bricks for constructing the walls and planted trees near the entrance.
Volunteers from Tata Services in Nigeria embarked on the beautification and painting of classrooms at Amuwo Odofin Community Junior Secondary School in Lagos.
Tata Steel KZN volunteers visited Ngwelezane Hospital, a government hospital situated just outside Empangeni, and handed out goodie bags to all the children in the wards.