Most of us have an innate desire to make a difference to the world we live in.
We wish to contribute in meaningful ways to society, beyond just financial donations.
But meaningful change demands sustained engagement and focus.
Thus more often than not, this fervour to 'do good' gets put on a back burner
because factors such as work hours, deadlines, deliverables and
professional growth take precedence.
Society ends up losing the services of competent professionals who through their skills and expertise can herald accelerated change.
To remedy this anomaly, Tata Sustainability Group has launched Engage+, a platform wherein selected employees with the requisite professional skills and experience, will be awarded a full-time deputation for up to 6 months, to lead an important non-profit project and bring it to successful completion.
During this period you will be actively mentored by an eminent domain expert - someone from the senior management of the Tata group or a veteran from the industry. Thus not only will you be leveraging your professional expertise for a lasting social cause, you will also grow as a professional.