Why settle for happiness,
when you can experience Radical Happiness?

Radical happiness doesn’t rely on material things or personal and professional triumphs.

It’s a drive to change things for the better, to make a real difference.

If you’re looking for a more meaningful way to touch the lives of others and transform your own, then you’ve come to the right place.

#Radical Happiness is the latest offering.

ProEngage is a skill-based volunteering format by the Tata Sustainability Group that enables volunteers to leverage their skills and work on meaningful projects with non-profits.

We all know that non-profits depend upon strong partnerships to bring about change. It’s not just financial contributions they’re looking for, but also skilled expertise. ProEngage volunteers help them execute a variety of projects that require a diverse skill-set.

ProEngage was started in December 2014 (International Volunteer Day). Since then, hundreds of volunteers have already come together to experience and spread radical happiness.

You too can join them.

How can you spread Radical Happiness
And how far?

ProEngage offers 80+ diverse and meaningful projects across 11 locations that you can be a part of.

Some of these projects are:

To view full list of projects, login to www.tataengage.com

All Tata employees, their family members & retired Tata colleagues registered on the Tata Engage website.

Volunteers who are already engaged with non-profits in an individual capacity can also route their projects through ProEngage by uploading the project details on the Tata Engage website.

It’s time to experience and spread #RadicalHappiness and help bring about meaningful change.

Register on tataengage.com to be a ProEngage volunteer.