Cleanliness drive and cricket match
Ginger Hotels | Agartala
The employees of Ginger Hotels at Agartala organised a cleanliness drive at Bholananda
Vidyabhavan Primary School & Bholagiri Ashram. They cleaned the school playground
and the Ashram area. They also played a friendly cricket match with the residential
students of the Ashram. Post the activities, refreshments were provided.
Cleanliness drive and awareness talk
Ginger Hotels | Delhi
A team of volunteers from Ginger Hotels, Delhi organised a cleanliness drive in
support of the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. The volunteers cleaned the areas from Ginger
IRCTC to the Metro railway station. They also interacted with the people about keeping
the environment clean and using dustbins to dispose garbage.
English Literacy Development Programme
Rallis India | Lote
A team of volunteers from Rallis India, Lote conducted a session on English Literacy
Development at Z P School, Matwadi, Songaon for students from 6th to 8th standard.
The volunteers conducted the session on basic level English. They also checked the
workbooks of the students and helped them to form proper words.
Plantation Drive
Ginger Hotels | Vapi
A team on volunteers from Ginger Hotels, Gujarat participated in a self- organized
a plantation drive to contribute towards a greener environment.
Awareness on reading habits
Rallis India | Kolkhe
A group of volunteers from Rallis India, Mumbai organized a visit to Tribal students
at Kolkhe. They planned a story telling session with the students. Volunteers also
made the students aware about the importance of English language and placed an emphasis
on developing the habit of reading in their routine.
Safety workshop
Tata Business Support Services | Jamshedpur
Over 65 volunteers from Tata Business Support Services at Jamshedpur took part in
safety awareness workshop. The workshop included road safety, workplace security,
fire safety, first aid and women self-defence. The participants also pledged to
keep their colleagues, friends, family & by standees safe by ensuring they follow
standard safety measures in place.
Health visit to a day care
Tata Motors | Jamshedpur
A team of volunteers from Tata Medical Services and Central Maintenance visited
Nirmal Shishu Bhawan. The pediatricians medically examined all the children and
gave health and nutritional tips to the care takers. The volunteers played with
the children, taught them hand washing practices, joined them in their prayer and
served them lunch.
Safety Awareness
Tata Power Delhi Distribution | Delhi
Safety Department of Tata Power Delhi Distribution, Delhi organized an awareness
session at District Moti Nagar. The volunteers disseminated information regarding
importance of safety at work, on road or and at home. The event witnessed an active
participation of 135 volunteers.
Health Check-up camp
Tata Steel | Jamshedpur
Volunteers from Tata Steel, Jamshedpur organized a health check-up camp for the
primitive tribal people at Birhore Tola. Total 142 villagers from Birhore and nearby
Basti's availed the facility.
Seekh- awareness session
Tata Power Delhi Distribution | Delhi
Social Innovation Group of Tata Power - DDL, organized an awareness session at District
Moti Nagar. The aim was to disseminate information regarding initiatives being taken
for the upliftment of the community, residing in North & North-West Delhi. The event
witnessed an active participation of 22 volunteers.
Digital Literacy Program for Women
Tata Technologies | Pune
Tata Technologies organised Digital Literacy Program for LPF girls on the occasion
of Women’s Day. Due to the demonetization move, Financial Literacy in particular
became an urgent need at that time. This Tata Volunteering Week 7, Tata Technologies
volunteers will be lead this volunteering initiative to help train Punekars on basic
medium of cashless transactions.
Football Match
Tata Steel | Jamshedpur
The volunteers at Tata Steel, Jamshedpur organized a football match for the village
girls. The volunteers also celebrated Founder’s day.
Blood donation drive
Tata Technologies | Jamshedpur
Tata Technologies Jamshedpur team launched TVW7 officially with the Location Head
and all senior officers. A Blood Donation Drive was also organised and volunteers
participated to support noble cause.
Safety Pledge and flag hoisting
Tata Technologies | Pune
Tata Technologies Admin Team launched National Safety Week at its APAC Head Quarters.
A safety pledge was taken by all employees. A flag hoisting activity was made in
the premises and guidelines were announced by the admin staff at the venue.
Pottery Workshop
Rallis India | Barvai
A total of 7 volunteers have organized pottery workshop at Z P School Barvai. The
participants taught the students from 4th to 7th standard to prepare various animals
out of terracotta clay.
Blood Donation
Tata Technologies | Pune
Tata Technologies organised a Blood Donation Drive at its SEZ Pune location. The
objective of the cause was to promote the cause of road safety. 150 employees donated
blood and supported the cause. Total 164 units of blood were collected by employees.
*This update covers only some of the activities undertaken by companies.