Cleaning the Pond |
Ginger Hotels | Agartala |
The hotel staff volunteered to clean the Pond as a part of Clean India campaign. This pond is also an attraction for our inhouse Guest to see. So the volunteers spent two hours cleaning it. |
Maintaining Hygiene and Cleanliness |
Ginger Hotels | Bangalore |
The volunteers spent time cleaning the garden maintained by WEPPIA (Whitefield Export Promotion Park Industrial Area) as a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The team members actively participated in cleaning the WEPPIA garden and the nearby public areas those are used by several employees of various companies in the vicinity. |
Blood Donation Camp |
Ginger Hotels | Bangalore |
The volunteers queued up to donate blood. There were 16 donors from hotel who participated in this activity in association with Lifecare Voluntary blood bank, Bangalore. |
Protect the Environment |
Ginger Hotels | Baroda |
On March 5th 2016, Ginger Hotel Vadodara embarked on a mission to help the city see the smog in the air through the Plant a tree activity. |
The tiny step from the team was to plan and tackle the impending problem arising in metro cities with alarming levels of air purity / air pollution while this has set the wheels in motion to initiate such activities on a personal level within the staff members. The slogan goes “Be the bagpiper city needs, plant a breath of fresh air and invest in a future no one can take it away from you. Plant a tree today”. |
Vadodara Ginger Hotel staff joined together to plant more than 100 trees in Vadodara Municipal Park. The exercise was in line with environment protection (community work). |
“Ginger Hotel cares about both environmental and community welfare. The team was very excited to have participated in the tree planting exercise. The team have planted three species of trees and it will be great to come back in future to see the progress and even be able to plant more trees in this community. This shows the community that we are taking the lead role in conserving environment. |
Clean the Streets |
Ginger Hotels | Jaipur |
The volunteers worked together to roll up their sleeves and clean the streets of Jaipur as a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. |
Donation of Food Packets |
Ginger Hotels | Katra |
Ginger Katra volunteering team organized a day meal for needful children who mostly spend their life begging on the roads The children were residents of nearby villages. The volunteering team led by the Hotel Manager spoke to them about need & importance of education |
They were served food and elders accompanying them were encouraged to send their children to schools. The children were delighted & enjoyed their meal |
Clean and Green Drive |
Ginger Hotels | Noida |
For a sustainable tomorrow, the need of the hour is to embed the habit of cleanliness in our behaviour. The volunteers created awareness among staff, partners and every one in reach, in and around the Hotel & surroundings |
Engage professionals made the area green and clean. Youth and professionals were made aware of the need of waste management and the importance of the urban green cover by introducing them to basics of tree plantation and decentralized solid waste management in their area, shall be done through periodical Workshops focused on the Scientific planting of trees, Tree mapping, Waste segregation, Composting and Recycling. The associates took up greening of the surrounding area and care for planted trees. Every sapling is planted outside the campus in a prescribed area will be cared for by its parent. The parents will be responsible for the trees and the Tree Ambassadors will supervise the monitoring in their prescribed areas. Every tree will have a tree guard and a label which will contain the name of the species, the serial number and the parent’s information so the individual feels responsible for the tree. The best team shall be awarded, felicitation will be done at Town hall after the event. |
Donation of Clothes to HIV Affected Children |
Indian Hotels | Coimbatore
HIV/AIDS affect millions of people around the world. In support of HIV/AIDS awareness on the 02nd day of TATA VOLUNTEERING WEEK 3, Vivanta by Taj Surya, Coimbatore team took an initiative to create HIV/AIDS awareness through collecting donation of baby products & clothes for New born HIV affected babies & school going children. |
Lead as team under the Guidance of General Manager and Volunteering Platform created by the HR Manager to follow the Quotes of Mother Teresa |
“Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead.” |
Which remained as an inspiration to our entire associate and who donated many Products Like Huggies, Milk Powder, Cerelac, Baby Powder, Baby Soaps, Baby Feeder, Clothes Etc… |
Donation Drive |
Indian Hotels | Hyderabad |
Taj Krishna Hyderabad joined hands with a NGO Rural Development Foundation based at Hyderabad, which works for the education & upliftment of the underprivileged children in the Telangana State. We have organised a donation drive at our hotel, which is both for voluntary contribution for procuring the uniforms for the girl child & also keeping in mind that the new academic session is coming up in the RDF run schools, we have asked our employees to make contribution of unused note books, pencils, pens, colors etc for the children. We hope that we can make a difference to the life of these children through our gesture. An overwhelming participation has been seen from the staff for this initiative & everybody is contributing whatever they can for the cause. |
Special Lunch |
Indian Hotels | Jodhpur |
Umaid Bhawan Palace organized special lunch for the destitute girls living at Veerni Hostel in Jodhpur. The special lunch menu included Dal, Gobhi, Rice, Chapati, Halwa and Salad. The total number of beneficiaries were 60. The girls were very happy. This is a part of our ongoing commitment to nutrition. |
Beach Cleaning |
Indian Hotels | Malaysia |
A cross section team from the Rebak Island Langkawi kitchen, f&b and housekeeping engaged themselves for two hours this morning in keeping our main beach spotlessly clean for the use of our guests. |
Our beach which faces the Straits of Malacca and adjoins the Andaman sea needs twice a day clean up which is normally the job of the landscape team.
This bright young team took it upon themselves and lived up to the spirit of the Tata Volunteering Week by immersing themselves in this cause - just having finished their duties for breakfast. |
Food Donation |
Indian Hotels | Malaysia |
Anjung Kasih is a government registered orphanage and are in need of assistance from the public from time to time. |
In keeping with the spirit of the Tata Volunteering Week, five of our employees led by the H.R. Manager visited the centre and donated rice, cooking oil, sugar, milk, egg, fruits and biscuits. They also served a ‘ chicken biriyani ‘ lunch to the children and invited them over to the resort at a later date. |
Visit to an Old Age Home |
Rallis India | Lote |
On 3rd March, a group of 7 Volunteers of Rallis India Limited, Lote Unit visited the Old Age Home at Khed. There are 12 inmates in the Old Age Home. They spent two hours with them having a good conversation, taking snaps etc. The volunteers distributed bed sheet, fruits and biscuits to them. They were very happy and shared their experience with us. All the Inmates and the Management expressed their thanks and gratitude to Rallis and TATA Group. |
Visit to an Ashram School |
Rallis India | Lote |
On 4th March, 2016 a group of 7 Volunteers from Rallis India Lote Unit visited Ashram School, Prayogbhoomi, Kolkewadi, Taluka Chiplun which is a beautiful green valley near Koyana Dam. There are 32 students in the Ashram School studying in standard 1 to 7. The Volunteers including our Male Nurse and First Aid Team members conducted a First Aid Training for the students and nearby villagers. Some first aid related demonstrations were also performed by our Volunteers. This was a wonderful experience for the students, teachers, the nearby villagers. |
Blood Donation Camp |
Tata Business Support Services | Kakinada & Hyderabad |
Red Cross set up the camp in Tata BSS Ethakota office, the donated blood will be mainly used for thalassemia children. Nearly 1000 thalassemia children are registered in their blood bank. Daily 30 to-40 children are given free blood and free transfusion in the blood bank. |
Collection Drive from Employees |
Tata Business Support Services | Khoppoli |
The volunteers distributed drawing books, crayons and non-perishable eatables post they were collected from the employees. |
Blood Donation Camp |
Tata Communications | Ahmedabad |
Donating blood is akin to giving a new life to a person. Most blood banks are running short on blood and there is an urgent need to enrich their capacity. A person spends just about 15-minutes donating a bottle of blood which can save up to 3 lives. Shortage of blood can be fatal and in such emergencies blood donors can be saviors. Tata communications commenced TVW-5 by organizing a Blood Donation Camp and Bone Marrow awareness session in association with Indian Red Cross Society at the Ahmedabad office on 4th March. 51 enthusiastic volunteers donated blood and 37 volunteers registered for bone marrow samples. |
Blood Donation |
Tata Hitachi | Jamshedpur |
Celebrating Founder’s Day and marking start of TVW 5, on 3rd March’16 Tata Hitachi, Jamshedpur organized a Special Blood Donation camp at its Blood Donation Center. Senior Executives and employees very enthusiastically took part in contributing for the noble cause. In the camp 78 units of blood were collected. Tata Hitachi is corporate donor of Indian Red Cross Society and have been recognized regularly for the contributions made by the employee volunteers in saving lives in distress. |
Employee Volunteering by GE Hostel |
Tata Motors | Jamshedpur |
Residents of GE Hostel visited Upgraded Village High School at Potka Block and interacted with the students and Teachers. They went to the school as a part of Employee Volunteering. They supported the school by donating sports materials and water purifier. With provision of sports materials, the children would have regular sports classes that would encourage and motivate the students and Teachers of the school. This was an initiative taken by the GE Hostelites to create a better environment in the school. The smiles on the faces of the children said it all. The volunteers were touched by the simplicity and modesty of the students and they committed to continue this initiative in other schools also. They also encouraged the students to develop aspirations for what they would like to achieve in future. |
Distribution of Utilities |
Tata Steel | Jamshedpur |
Under Tata Volunteering Week 5, employees of LD#2 and SC JDC visited Shishu Bhawan and distributed Medicines ,Chocolates, biscuits etc. They also spent some quality time with the orphan children |
Needs Assessment |
Tata Steel | Jamshedpur |
Under Tata Volunteering Week 5, employees of Urban Services visited Ramgarh village, Potka for need assessment. |
Homage to JRD on Founders Day |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
Tata Technologies employees gave respects to this great personality who is also regarded as the legendary "Father of Indian Industry on 3rd March 2016. The 3rd of March 2016 marks the birth anniversary of Tata Group Founder Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. Tata Technologies administration team invites employees to celebrate this moment every year
Blood Donation Day |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
The city of Pune has more than 1200 children suffering from Thalassemia. They need lifelong blood transfusions, on an average every 15 days. You can give someone a fighting chance at survival. Tata Technologies supports Red Cross Society’s Thalassemia affected center for blood translation by donating blood units. In the occasion of TVW5, 4th & 5th March 16 Blood Donation camp is organised and within two days Tata Technologies volunteers have collected total 347 Blood units within two days 5th March will be 3rd day of donation. |
Exhibition & Shoes Donation Drive by Sahara Alhad |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
In the occasion of TVW5 Tata Technologies employee volunteers supported direct fund raising drive for Sahara Alhad care home by purchasing handmade articles which are prepared by their warehouse workers. Sahara Alhad is a residential care home for men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS. Total ₹7900 generated within two days by Tata Technologies employees from exhibition & sale |
They also organised a Shoes donation drive. Object of the drive was with the help of reusable shoes employee volunteers can help needy on streets this summer. |
Total 48 pairs of shoes were collected in three boxes and donated to Sahara Alhad NGO by end of the day. Sahara Alhad team is currently working for their new project for street people. |
Food Donation Desk |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
On this TVW5, to augment the Government’s efforts, Tata Technologies has partnered with ISKCON Foundation to provide additional nutrition and quality food to a few schools. |
We invite your support to augment this noble cause. The Mid Day Meal Scheme is designed by Government of India to improve the nutritional status of children in schools. Tata Technologies employees are supporting ‘Annamitra’ Mid-Day meal scheme with ISKCON Foundation Ravet Centre. |
Mid-day Meal Food Distribution Drive at School |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
Volunteers from Tata Technologies visited Nagarpalika Kanya Shala on 4th March and distributed Mid-Day mean for underprivileged children. Volunteers decided to visit PCMC schools regularly to support Anna Mid-day Mean food distribution. |
Drawing Competition for Underprivileged Children |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
In the occasion of TVW5 Tata Technologies employee volunteers organised drawing competition for underprivileged children from Mahanagarpalika Kanya Shala. Total 150 girls enjoyed three hours with Tata Technologies Volunteers. School teachers thanked teachers thanked the volunteers for organizing such event. |
Value Education-Tangram Activity for Underprivileged Children |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
Tata Technologies volunteers visited Mahanagarpalika Kanya Shalala at Punawale for three hours and organised value education activity through an ancient Puzzle called Tangram. Tangram sets were given to 200 children to create various objects such as animals, humans, letters and numbers. This activity helped the children to think independently and sharpen their problem solving ability. |
National Safety Day Flag Hosting |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
Safety is an important part of our life. Safety is as simple as ABC - Always be careful. National Safety Day is celebrated every year on 4th March. The National Safety Council was formed on this day in 1966 to generate awareness on safety issues. Tata Technologies administration team organised National Safety Day Flag Hoisting and created safety awareness for employees and their families. |
Cleanliness Drive |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
“Volunteers from Tata Technologies believes that it is their duty to get a step forward to help realize the dream of Clean India, as envisioned by our Honorable Prime Minister of India. As a conscious organization in Rajiv Gandhi InfoTech Park in Hinjewadi, they also aim to see this park clean. Therefore, on the occasion of TVW5, Tata Technologies volunteers organised TVW5 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on 5th March 16 to clean the periphery of Tata Technologies Hinjewadi Phase 1, Pune. Total 155 employees registered and spent 2 hours of volunteering. A Total of 315 volunteering hours were spent” |
Cleaning of Singhgad Fort |
Tata Technologies | Pune |
Volunteers from Tata Technologies believe that it is their duty to lead the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in order to realize the dream of Clean India, as envisioned by our Honourable Prime Minister of India. As a conscious organization, we recognized the need to initiate a cleanliness drive in and around our historical monuments in India. Therefore, on the occasion of TVW5, Tata Technologies volunteers to launch a cleanliness campaign at Sinhagad fort, Pune. Total 50 volunteers spent four hours and collected plastic & paper garbage in 25 bags in the span of five kilometers. |
Visit to Village and School for Sanitation Awareness & Painting Competition |
Tata Technologies | Jamshedpur |
Tata Technologies Jamshedpur volunteers visited a village and school for sanitation awareness & painting competition under TVW5 of Tata Motors organized today at Panhari village at Jamshedpur. The volunteers successfully conducted the drawing and essay writing competition for around 70 children of the Palhari Primary School of Barabanki District. Volunteers also did door to door awareness in the village on sanitation and cleanliness. This event saw active participation from the village Pradhan and other opinion leaders. The CSR team helped in spraying of bleaching powder in the village. The drive benefited around 100 households. The village Pradhan and teachers thanked the volunteers for their support. |